Spiritual Fountain of Youth

I have found a verse of scripture that could well be the key to understanding the process of aging. “That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.”   (2 Corinthians 4:16) Inside every old person like me, there is a young one longing to continue making a difference in the world and confused by the new limitations on body and mind. In Christians, that young, healthy spirit finds means of expression that provide satisfaction. My wife kept her faith, love and sense of humor right up to the end. The twinkle in her eyes never faded away no matter what she was going through. That was her young spirit still seeing the world with the wonder of a young girl.

Those who have aged without Christ often become cranky and bitter as their spirit lacks expression and renewal. The earthly pleasures that once seemed to feed their spirit are no longer available or useful, so they are frustrated inside and out. They had not prepared for their bodies dying so their spirit is not renewed daily. I read a report of a woman who was 80 and announcing her fourth marriage. A reporter asked about the profession of her groom and she said, “He is a funeral director.” The reporter found that interesting, so he inquired about the profession of her other three husbands whom she had outlived. She smiled as she told him her first husband was a banker, her second husband was an actor and her third husband was a minister. He asked why she was drawn to such a diverse group of men. Her smile broadened as she told him, “One was for money; two was for show; three to get ready and four to go.”

I have been blessed with a clear mind in spite of my physical limitations. I cannot begin to think of the confusion, frustration and desperation of those affected by dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. More research is needed to eliminate those afflictions that rob a person of their final years. I thank God daily for a clear memory, the ability to pray and renew my spirit through God’s word and then express myself verbally and by writing this blog with the help of the Holy Spirit teaming up with my young, healthy spirit.

No matter what stage of life you are in now, accepting Jesus Christ and following Him is like discovering the fountain of youth for your spirit; no matter how your body reacts to the aging process.

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