Shelter From the Cold

This week started out with another arctic blast across the Chicago area with temperatures around zero and wind chills of -20 degrees or lower. We have had several of these extreme cold snaps this winter. It makes me think of the Psalmist’s words, “Who can stand against his freezing cold?” (Psalms 147:17)

There is a lot of talk these days about manmade “global warming” or “climate change”.  Despite what some politicians have to say about dire consequences unless we make drastic changes to our economy, there is an opposing scientific view. I have heard several well-known meteorologists claim that climate change is normal and not a result of our activities, among them John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel. I am not a meteorologist or scientist of any type, but I do have a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe including this small planet. He tells us, “As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night. (Genesis 8:22) I’ll take that as a “manufacturer’s warrantee”.

Dr. Gerald Schroeder is a scientist from MIT (retired now) in the field of atomic physics. He describes how God tweaked our planet to make life possible. Science has been able to determine how the earth could be formed with hydrogen and oxygen present to provide air and water, but they have not determined how the carbon molecule came to be here and without that life could not exist. The earth is in an orbit around the sun at exactly the correct distance for life to exist. The earth rotates on an axis that is tipped at the exact degree necessary for life. One degree in any direction and life would not exist here. Climate has been changing ever since the earth was formed. There is scientific evidence of an Ice Age and we know there was a world-wide flood that science has not been able to disprove. My point is that God went to a lot of trouble to make sure the life He created on this planet could exist and He will not allow humans to destroy it before He is ready to replace it with a new heaven and new earth. (Revelation 21:1) Our world, our lives and every other part of His creation is still in His hands. That is why I am not in a panic about this extreme cold.

It does give me another blessing to count, as my old furnace continues to produce heat and comfortable shelter from the cold. God is good in every situation.      

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