Power of the Blood

I just ran across an unfamiliar verse of one of my favorite old hymns. “Though Satan may buffet; though trials may come let this blest assurance control; that Christ has regarded my helpless estate and shed his own blood for my soul.” It reminded me of a Christian waitress named Dale who told us modern worship music didn’t mention the blood of Jesus enough for her. She preferred the old hymns.

I read a few years ago about a baby girl who was dying from a rare blood disorder. Her five year old brother had recovered from the same disorder and had the antibodies in his blood his sister needed. The toddler immediately agreed to a transfusion if it would help his sister live. After the procedure, the little boy asked the doctor how long it would be until he died. He thought his sister needed all of his blood and he was willing to die so his sister could live. It was love that drove his decision and love that caused Jesus to bleed out on the cross for you and me so we can live eternally.

A young pastor I know was diagnosed with a blood disorder. God healed him and he still proclaims to this day that the blood of a Jewish carpenter flows through his veins. His ministry and the church he and his wife founded are growing each week. God obviously was not finished with him yet,

i don’t know about you, but I want to be so filled with God’s Holy Spirit that when a mosquito bites me, she will fly away singing “There is power in the blood”.

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