Life’s Irritations

Even as Christians, we have some irritations in our life. Whether it is the actions of others, the weather, or some other uncontrollable condition; they are real. Sometimes I think I get on my own nerves by putting unnecessary burdens on myself. How do we deal with the irritations? How do we cope? We can’t always control our situation, but we can control our reaction to it. Do you just grin and bear it? Do you pray to God to remove it? Do you feel sorry for yourself and play the victim? Do you get angry and rant about it to anyone who will listen. Whatever your reaction might be, you probably have never thought to thank God for the problem. But that is exactly what Corrie ten Boom did.

During World War II, she and her sister were arrested by the Germans for harboring and helping Jews. They were placed in Ravensbruck, one of the most notorious prison camps in Germany. The barracks they were put in with other women became heavily infested with fleas. It was so bad the vicious, sadistic guards would not enter their barracks. She and her sister used that opportunity to hold uninterrupted Bible studies, leading many of the women to Christ. Corrie wrote later how she thanked God for those fleas that kept them from the abuse of the guards and gave them the opportunity to share the Gospel of Christ.

During my 25 years in the pest control industry I treated several severe flea infestations. I would tuck my pant cuffs inside my socks and my long sleeves inside my gloves, spray myself with repellant and then pray that I didn’t take even one flea to my truck or home with me. The minute they sense a host is present those blood thirsty insects attack. I can’t imagine living in that condition with thousands of them looking for a blood meal and no defense against them. As bad as that was, it was still better than the abuse from those evil guards; so Corrie thanked God for the fleas.

I’m not saying that what is bugging us is protecting us from something worse, but it is always a possibility. Sometimes, when we find ourselves in rough waters, it is because our enemies can’t swim. Sometimes when we call on Him for help in the storm, He speaks calm to the storm and other times He speaks peace to our soul right in the middle of the raging storm. Either way, there is indescribable peace.

Christians, whatever our situation, we have the Holy Spirit to prompt us to react in a way that is best for us and those around us. It may vary from person to person or even from situation to situation, but it will always be the best reaction at the time. Sometimes I have been prompted not to react at all.

By the way, later in her life Corrie ten Boom stated, “I have experienced His presence in the deepest darkest hell that men can create. I have tested the promises of the Bible, and believe me, you can count on them.”

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