
For the last two and a half decades, every time I look at my hands, I see my father’s hands. It was a little bit of a shock at first, but the fact that any part of me resembles that loving man who taught me about life and love is very comforting to me. It is no surprise to any of you, I’m sure, that when I think about my heavenly Father’s hands the words of a song come to mind.

“One pair of hands formed the mountains. One pair of hands formed the sea. One pair of hands made the sun and the moon, every bird, every flower and every tree. One pair of hands formed the valleys, the oceans, the rivers and the sand. Those hands are so strong so when life goes wrong, put your faith into one pair of hands. One pair of hands healed the sick. One pair of hands raised the dead. One pair of hands blessed the loaves and the fish, and thousands of people were fed. One pair of hands said I love you and those hands were nailed to a tree. Those hands are so strong so when life goes wrong, put your faith into one pair of hands.”

I continue to lay all of my cares, burdens and worries in the strong hands of my heavenly Father. Physically, at this stage of my life, I can’t even walk without His strong hand in mine. However, in a very real sense, I know my hands have become His hands at times. As my fingers move across my computer keyboard as I write this blog, I know they have become His hands sending this message to you. When I reach out a helping hand to someone in need, I know it is His hand that is helping them. Even when I touch them with my thoughts and prayers, I know it is God who is lifting their spirits and their burdens through me.

When God puts me to work serving and blessing others, it isn’t because He is incapable of doing it without me, and it certainly isn’t because He is lazy. He wants me, as His child, to experience the wonderful joy that comes from serving and sharing God’s blessings with others. As you read this, look at your hands and dedicate them to serving God and those around you.

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