Food For Thought

Medical science is clear that ingesting nutritious food, along with exercise, is the foundation of good physical health. What we eat has a direct effect on our body. In addition to prescribing medicine for physical ailments, doctors also suggest vitamin supplements when blood tests reveal deficiencies. I am currently taking a daily dose of multi-vitamins for seniors, iron, vitamin D3 and zinc.

Just as good nutrition is important for our physical health, ingesting good and positive information is vital for mental health. Have you ever heard the computer expression GIGO (garbage in – garbage out)? What is entered has a lot to do with the results and that is true of the super computer of our mind as well. Logic teaches if any part of a premise is false, the conclusion will always be false. That is why stereotypes are always false, because no two people are alike, much less a group of people. That is also why we must be careful that the information we take in is true.

The Apostle Paul gave the church at Philippi a list of nutritious food for our minds to ingest. “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” (Philippians 4:8) Paul also wrote this to the Colossians, “Think about things of heaven, not the things of earth.” (Colossians 3:2)

Our thoughts also feed our spirit. Paul told the church in Rome, “Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit.” (Romans 8:5) There are some other ways the spirit ingests nutrition. All of those ways involve a direct connection to God and to other Christians. Communing with the Holy Spirit within me always feeds my spirit, so does reading and studying God’s word and praying. Worshiping and fellowshipping with my brothers and sisters in Christ always makes my spirit healthy and joyful.

Like a large menu in a restaurant, life provides us with choices of healthy foods that are good for us and unhealthy foods that are tempting because they taste good going down but are bad for our health. The internet, especially social media, offers a wide variety of good and bad options. We must choose what is best for our health. It would be impossible to make healthy choices for our mind and spirit without the Holy Spirit to guide us. God knows what we need, and He has always provided my needs. As a loving Father, he has also given me some of the things I want, as long as they are not bad for me. God looks out for my health even when I don’t.

I am so glad you have made the choice to read this blog and I hope it has nourished your mind and your spirit as much as writing it has nourished mine. That is another way to nourish your spirit; share with others what you have been given.   

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