Finding Happiness

I’ve written before about the “pursuit of happiness” mentioned in our Declaration of Independence as if happiness is something out there that we need to catch up with and grab onto. That kind of pursuit will never end. if we aren’t happy with what we have, what makes us think more will make us happy?  I’m convinced that many marriages end in divorce because one or both husband and wife think it is their mate’s responsibility to make them happy. That is an awesome responsibility that has more to do with the spouse’s response than our actions. No, true happiness is found within us and not from anything or anyone in our environment. What made me revisit this topic are the three steps to happiness that a friend shared with me on social media. If you want to be happy, you must let go of what is gone; be grateful for what remains; and look forward to what is on the way. Let’s take a closer look at each of those steps.

The first step, and I think the hardest one, is to let go of what is gone. God has continually closed and opened doors for me since I have been His child, but many times I have spent so much time trying to pry open that familiar door that He has closed and I have failed to see that wide open door to renewed happiness. The hardest thing for me to let go of are loved ones who have passed away and are no longer in my life. I have to let go of them without giving up the love they have planted in my heart and embrace the next chapter God has written for me. When my wife died almost eight years ago now, I was not only on my own for the first time in over fifty years, I was without any family. God immediately began to bring brothers and sisters in Christ into my life as my new family. This new life isn’t better or worse than previous stages of my life; it is just different and there is still happiness to be found in it

The second step to happiness is to be grateful for what remains in our life. My coffee cup reminds me every morning, “In everything give thanks.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) It doesn’t say FOR everything give thanks. There are things in life that are not pleasant. However, IN every situation there are things for which to be thankful. Counting my blessings and thanking God for each of them has always been a source of happiness for me.

The last step to happiness is to look forward to what is coming. Hope is the belief that better things are coming. Faith is the assurance that God is already working on it. Happiness would be impossible to hang onto without hope and faith.  As God’s son or daughter, we have the assurance that what lies ahead for us at the end of this life is beyond our wildest idea of happiness. 

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