Thanksgiving Reflections

We have just celebrated a day of Thanksgiving in our nation. Giving thanks is scriptural and should come naturally for us as obedient children of God, for we know whom we need to thank for every good thing in our life. The Psalms are filled with gratitude and praise to God for His unfailing love, mercy, grace and for the majestic scope of His creation including us. Appreciation needs to be expressed. Feeling grateful to God or to another person and not expressing it to them is like wrapping a gift and never giving it.

My pastor has pointed out that Thanksgiving Day might be the most Christian holiday in the US. Our secular society has hijacked Easter with chocolate bunnies and colored eggs and hijacked Christmas with Santa, pine trees and commercialism. I read recently that a priest has stated that Christmas has lost its meaning as a Christian celebration and he suggests renaming the commemoration of Jesus’ birth to something with more spiritual meaning. I strongly resist that move as a form of spiritual retreat. We have already given up more than enough territory to the enemy.

Our secular society has assigned so many negative connotations to the term “Christian” that many now call themselves “Believer” instead. Until recently I was one of them, but I now believe it is time for us to proclaim God’s power in our life. Christian will again mean Christ-like if we unashamedly take on that title and then live it out in our life. (1 Peter 4:16) Christmas will again become a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ if that is the center of our holiday activities. Easter will again become a celebration at the entrance of an empty tomb if we make the miracle of spiritual rebirth the focus of that holiday instead of the rebirth of nature. Once we reclaim the celebrations of the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ and proudly bear His name, every day will be Thanksgiving Day.

This Thanksgiving Day I reviewed all of the things for which I am thankful. I found that I am most thankful for the Lamb’s Book of Life in which my name is written in the blood of my Savior. As I get older, I have become more aware of and thankful for those little miracles that occur in my life every day. Each painful step I take is guided and protected by my heavenly Father. Each relationship I have is a precious blessing to be cherished. Gratitude is the antidote for sadness, depression and discouragement. It is impossible for me to feel those things while counting and recounting my blessings.

I am personally thankful for you as you read this blog post. God bless you not just this holiday season, but every day of your life.

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