The Poor

Are you poor, rich or somewhere in between? It really depends on our definition of those terms doesn’t it? If by rich, we mean you can afford to have whatever you want; then I have never been rich. If by poor, we mean only having the clothes you are wearing and no home of your own; then my parents and I were poor for a brief time after the rented home we were living in burned to the ground along with all of our possessions when I was only nine years old. I never went hungry, but for that brief time, we depended on the kindness of others to help my parents get back on their feet. Through it all I never felt poor, because I still had my parents’ love and care.

Many parents today feel they are failing their children if they can’t afford to get them the latest smart phone or the latest expensive clothing fad. They fail to realize that they are only failing their children if they deprive them of the love and tender care they need. Recently, a friend reminded me that the poorest person is not the one without any money. The poorest person is the one without God in their life. Today I am living in a mortgaged townhome with just enough income to cover my necessary expenses, but my heavenly Father continues to love and care for me; so I don’t feel poor at all.

Some Christian missionaries, like Mother Teresa, bring the message of God’s love to people who are starving for food and clean water. They also need clothing and medical care. To demonstrate God’s love to the people of Calcutta, India, Mother Teresa raised the money, food and clothing needed to provide those physical needs. Once they had experienced her love, they were ready to be introduced to God’s loving care. She, and others like her, satisfy physical hunger and then lead people to the One who can satisfy their spiritual hunger and thirst. When God’s love is in a person’s heart, it is very difficult to think of yourself as poor. That is what Paul writes about, “Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:11-13) So, my brother or sister in Christ, we are not poor; in a very real sense we are actually quite rich.

If you are reading this and you haven’t experienced God’s love yet; believe with all of your heart and confess with your mouth that God sent His Son to die for your sins. (John 3:16) Then receive the free gift of God’s salvation, mercy and grace with a repentant and grateful heart. Not only will you be filled with God’s love, His Holy Spirit will take up residence in your heart to guide you in your new life as a child of God.  

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