Peace in the Sunlight

I have written about the storms we must go through as Christians. Once in a while Jesus speaks peace be still to the storm we are in, but most of the time He speaks peace be still to our spirit as He takes us through the storm. We must ask ourselves if we are still at peace in the sunshine beyond the storm.

In my long life as a Christian, I have lost my peace several times when a storm was over, the sky was bright and the way ahead seemed smooth. I told God, “I can take it from here” and I slipped back into the driver’s seat of my life. That never ended well. The view from behind the wheel was always rougher than it appeared when God was in control. That undue pressure robbed me of my peace and always ended with me begging God to take control again.

I have known people who have lost their peace while chasing after happiness and contentment. God gives the gift of joy as we keep the line of communication open with Him through Jesus, but happiness is a choice we have to make. What makes people think that more would make them happy if they aren’t happy with what they already have? A friend posted this on Facebook and it describes this threat to our peace. “Beware of Destination Addiction – an obsession that happiness is in the next place, the next job or with the next partner. Until you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are.”

Keep the peace God gives you in the storm always by keeping Him in control of your life and choosing happiness every day in sunshine or rain.

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