End of the Beginning

I’m posting this before Palm Sunday. It is the day each year that we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey colt to the welcoming cheers of the crowds.

Have you ever wished you could look into the future and see what was coming up in the days ahead? I’m sure Jesus wished he didn’t have that ability as he entered Jerusalem that day. He knew that in less than a week many of those same voices that welcomed him to Jerusalem shouting, “Hosanna!” would be shouting, “Crucify him!” Jesus knew that in just a few days, one of his twelve closest friends would betray him for thirty pieces of silver and do it with a kiss on the cheek. He knew that one of his three dearest disciples was going to deny he even knew Jesus three times, while the rest of them scattered and deserted him. He knew the excruciating sacrifice he was sent to become for you and for me was just a few days away. No, I’m glad I am shielded from the future until my future becomes eternity in God’s presence.

We shudder just thinking about the physical pain Jesus suffered in our place. The beating, the lashes, the nails piercing his hands and feet, not to mention the crown of thorns piercing his head; just the thought of all of it boggles our mind and touches our heart. This year I am concentrating on the mental and emotional pain he experienced as well.

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