Who Is Knocking?

In Matthew 7:7 Jesus tells us to ask, seek and knock for what we need. God knows our needs but He wants us to ask Him in prayer for His help, seek Him with our worship and knock for Him to open doors for us to serve Him. On the flip side, Jesus asks us to believe in and follow Him into eternal life, seeks us to save us from the penalty of our sin and He knocks on the door of our heart for us to invite His Holy Spirit inside to dwell in us.

There is a famous painting depicting Jesus standing at our heart’s door and knocking. The door in that painting has no handle on it, so we must open it from inside to let Him in. The Son of God could kick down the door and take possession of our heart. but God doesn’t want prisoners or robots. God wants sons and daughters to love and worship Him freely. It is our decision to open the door to Him that allows us to become part of God’s family.



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